Figures of Christ in Exodus: Four Study Bibles Compared
Compare how the 1537 Matthew Bible, 1599 Geneva Bible, 1962 Oxford Annotated Version, and 2017 MacArthur Study Bible expound figures of Christ (and of the Holy Spirit) in the book of Exodus.
Compare how the 1537 Matthew Bible, 1599 Geneva Bible, 1962 Oxford Annotated Version, and 2017 MacArthur Study Bible expound figures of Christ (and of the Holy Spirit) in the book of Exodus.
Compare how the Matthew Bible, Geneva Bible, Oxford Annotated Version, and MacArthur Study Bible expound figures of Christ in the book of Genesis. Readers will be surprised at some of the differences.
Flat-earthers say the early Bibles taught that the earth is flat, but that this truth was removed from the Bible. In fact, the opposite is true: the early Bibles clearly said that the world is round as a sphere, and this is the teaching that was removed from the Bible.
In Part 1 of Angels, we saw that the angels assist before God, minister to people, rebuke sinners, and comfort the afflicted. This part 2 now concludes the topic. From the Bible we see how angels tell people things unknown, and also punish wrong-doing.
Angels are called the children of God and servants of God in the scripture. Bible verses show how the angels assist before God, minister to people, rebuke sinners, and comfort the afflicted.
This short study on affliction is from the Table of Principal Matters in the 1537 Matthew Bible. It considers affliction from its effect on us (heat, fire, and a furnace) and as a tool of rebuke by God. Also, our duty to succour those who are afflicted.
From the early Church until the early English Reformation, leading men of God taught that the parable of the eagles and the dead body in Matthew 24:28 signified Holy Communion, where believers, as eagles, go to remember Christ who died for us on the cross.
This fifth and final part of the series on “Adultery” from Table of Principal Matters in the 1537 Matthew Bible looks at the Sotah Ritual, instituted in the book of Numbers, where wives suspected of infidelity were made to drink the bitter cursing water. I also says how we should beware of adulterers.
A man who breaks wedlock, and who regards not his soul but says, Tush, who sees me? I am compassed about with darkness, the walls conceal me; nobody sees me; whom need I fear; the Most High will not remember my sins! – He understands not that his eyes see all things.
This part in the series on adultery from the Table of Principal Matters in the 1537 Matthew Bible discusses Jesus’ teaching on adultery, says who are adulterers (they are many), and considers the punishment of adultery. A look at Abraham’s counsel to Sarai, to lie and say that she was his sister.
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