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We recommend the following books:
(At the end of the page are a few books we do NOT recommend.)
These are two of Ruth’s favourite books — collections of Myles Coverdale’s writings. (Purchase these Parker Society editions to avoid problems with tiny print.) The first, Writings and Translations, contains Coverdale’s translations of the early German writings, including “The Old Faith” and “A Spiritual and Most Precious Pearl.” I love it. It nourishes faith and spirit.
The second, Remains of Miles Coverdale, includes his prologues to the scriptures and his translation of Martin Luther’s exposition of the 23rd Psalm, along with other lost treasures.
The next two books are Professor David Daniell’s modern-spelling updates of Tyndale’s translations. These are the books that “discovered” William Tyndale for me. However, in places you will realize that the older English is so garbled, the update was necessary. The blue book is Tyndale’s 1534 New Testament. The red book, larger, contains the Old Testament translations that he was able to complete before he was killed.
These two books are facsimiles of the originals by Hendrickson publishers. The early modern English typography can be difficult to learn, but it is do-able. The first book is a nice-sized facsimile of the complete 1537 Matthew Bible. They shrunk it – the original was large enough for a Church lectern. I read it for Old Testament devotions. The second book is a facsimile of Tyndale’s first New Testament, which he published in 1526. It is great for research and is a beautiful book. H0wever he himself made over 5,000 changes in 1534 and added prologues and marginal notes, so it goes without saying that, for informing the faith, he would prefer people read his revised New Testament. His final revision was in 1535, and this is the one in the Matthew Bible.
The next two books are from William Tyndale: The Parable of the Wicked Mammon, and the black book is his Obedience of a Christian Man. They were helpful for me particularly to understand his doctrine of Antichrist:
The Selected Writings of Martin Luther is a very readable and well-priced set of four books gathering together some of the most important writings of Martin Luther by editor Theodore Tappert. It is excellent for understanding Luther:
Volume 35 of Luther’s Works — Word and Sacrament — is one of my favourite books of the 55-volume set. (I think the number ‘1’ on the cover is meant to indicate that this was the first of several volumes on Word and Sacrament.)
Eternal Security by Arthur Pink is a very comforting one for the saints, especially when going through a tough time, or when despairing of salvation. It also reveals his intelligence and deep thought. It’s a hardcover. Don’t be put off by the plain blue cover. There are treasures inside:
Here I Stand is a great biography of Martin Luther. Engaging, well-written, it contains a good presentation of the gospel. I like to give copies away to non-Christians because it is so readable.
To learn a little about Arthur Pink, who ended his life outside the Church penning his articles for his magazine series Studies in the Scriptures, this is interesting:
Our own book is the only reliable modern biography of John Rogers, and the only book that shows how his work and life wove in with William Tyndale and Miles (Myles) Coverdale:
We do NOT recommend:
John Rogers: The Compiler of the First Authorized English Bible, by Joseph Chester.
Annals of the English Bible by Christopher Anderson.
Both these books are full of error, falsehood, and even slander.